Alignment of data, too much time spent on problems in multiple systems. Frustrated with ineffective bookkeeping, billing and costing systems. Client also frustrated with prior Accounting firms billing by the hour for every phone fax , meeting etc. No control on accounting fees.
Used our value pricing to control the Bookkeeping and Accounting fees, Customized the fee to Clients needs. Worked with Client to utilize cloud technology to be more effective. From Online signature of documents to auto coding of bills and expenses, Assisted in transition. Utilized online quoting system APP and costing – Utilized Jobber App to record time and expenses to jobs. Automated Client billings With direct debits, Auto Credit card payments.
With the Combination of Improved use of technology, we reduced the Accounting costs by 35 % improved the Job cost/revenue history. In the end client had a fixed monthly bill, no surprise bookkeeping and accounting bills. The improvements of online systems resulted in free up of 10 hours per week for the client. Which was then allocated to spending time on Marketing, and Business Analysis.
Value billing
Comprehensive/Multitude of issues. A Multiple of Companies (5). Client came to us with interest in Business Health Check-up (owners were doing their own bookkeeping).
We completed a Business Health check up, resulted in discovery of changes and improvement items. Business Plan, Personal Financial plan, Company budgeting, Moved all records to Online bookkeeping systems. Utilized our DIY (do it yourself) Bookkeeping system. Got Bookkeeping training from us, utilized training videos, Followed our direction regard coding, accurate reconciliations. Utilized our Monthly Virtual CFO services.
Over the course of 1-year client was able to reduced year end accounting fee and move to steps of business improvement. Improvements included Closing 2 companies merging 2 companies – Developed overall Corporate Plan for All corporations – Insurance and estate planning also Stewarded A Unanimous Shareholder Agreement with related life Insurance purchase. 3 years later 1 of the shareholders passed away, and the family was so grateful that planning had been done, and Life insurance had been purchased.
Tax and Business Advisory Services
pleased with detail training and education as previous Accounting firms had spent no time Educating them.